Design a Pin Contest
Submit Entries Digitally Only by January 17, 2025
To allow Connecticut DECA members to develop an annual lapel pin that can be worn to local, regional, state and national meetings that will identify Connecticut DECA members. The winning design will be chosen for its ability to catch the consumer’s eye and depict Connecticut DECA pride. The winner will receive free registration to the State Career Development Conference in March!!
- Contestants will design a DECA pin that can be worn on blazers, jackets, shirts, sweaters, or blouses. The design should be able to transfer in style to be used on a t-shirt, conference program, certificates, a conference pin, as well as a trading pin at ICDC. Leadership and professionalism should be a consideration when designing the pin since it will be used at the state conferences.
- The design must have reference to Connecticut. This may be in the form of the shape and/or letters of the state of Connecticut.
- Design must have reference to National DECA or the annual theme. “Be The One”
- The design should be attention grabbing, show originality and creativity.
- The design should include a brief explanation with the submission.
- The contestants name, school, and advisor should be placed on the back of the design.
- The design may be square, rectangular, diamond or star shaped, circular, oval, octagon, hexagon, triangular, etc.
- The design must be submitted digitally or on an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper. The colors should be decided by the contestant.
- Designs may be computer generated or hand drawn by the STUDENT. Designs may not be done professionally by an outside source.
- The actual pin size will range from ¾” to 2”. The size and amount of letters in the design should be taken into consideration for a letter on a 10-inch piece of paper will be reduced to 1/10 of an inch on a 1” pin. Therefore, less letter and greater size is recommended for a more legible pin. The cost effectiveness of producing the pin and design is also a consideration.
- The design must be submitted digitally by the preset deadline.
- Failure to follow these guidelines will result in points being deducted or possible disqualification.
- Connecticut DECA reserves the right to make any changes to the design which may conflict with its production.
- All pin designs become the property of Connecticut DECA. When a contestant enters a design, he or she relinquishes all rights for the sale and use of the design to Connecticut DECA.
- See attached rubric.